住宅 & 商业

空调 服务 & 修复在宝博app官网


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(505) 761-9644

(505) 471-0119

空调维修、维护 & 服务公司

When you have a problem with your air conditioner and wondering who to call in 宝博app官网 for your ac repair turn to TLC宝博体育买球, 加热, 和冷却快速优质服务. 我们是本地公司 & 自1987年以来一直在宝博app官网/里约热内卢Rancho地区提供高质量的空调服务. We are open 24-hours a day and will always answer our phone when you have an issue with your air conditioner.


TLC’s expert 加热 and AC technicians are qualified to work on all brands and types of air conditioners, 从冷冻空气到沼泽冷却器. 您可以自信地选择TLC来满足您所有的空调和冷却需求.


  • 空调维修
  • 日常交流维护
  • 将沼泽冷却器转换为冷冻空气
  • 交流升级更换安装
  • 沼泽冷却器修复
  • 季节性沼泽变冷
  • 无管空调安装

无论白天黑夜,我们都有暖通空调维修人员随时待命 (505) 761-9644.


从维修保养到升级改造, TLC是您当地的冷暖专家.

宝博app官网,里约热内卢Rancho,圣达菲和宝博体育买球州北部提供可靠的24小时服务. 而沼泽冷却器很常见, 还有一些其他类型的空调在宝博体育买球州越来越流行. 从制冷空调到无管迷你分体式系统, TLC可以满足你所有的冷却需求.


TLC提供24小时紧急空调服务. 从沼泽冷却器到冷冻空气,TLC覆盖你. 您可以随时向TLC的专业团队寻求优质、可靠的服务.


从 沼泽冷却器维修 要冷藏 空调维修, TLC的授权技术人员团队可随时响应24/7.


就像你的车,你的空调或 沼泽冷却器 需要定期保养以保持凉爽和舒适.

安装 & 转换升级

考虑 转换为冷冻空气? TLC有您所有的冷却选择,请向我们的专家寻求适合您的系统.


TLC has a full team of trained HVAC Air Conditioning Experts ready to respond to your air conditioning problem. 当你的空调有问题时,我们会帮你.

When your air conditioner isn’t working and the temperatures are rising you need fast service and cooling company that has the knowledge to troubleshoot the ac unit as fast as possible. 我们的专业技术人员可以排除故障,您的空调迅速恢复和运行. As part of our service our HVAC experts will walk you through what repairs need to be made and upfront pricing so you don’t have any surprises.

我们解决所有问题 & 空调型号

  • 沼泽冷却器
  • 冷冻空气
  • 分体式空调器
  • 包空调
  • 安装在墙上的空调

When you choose TLC you get an ac repair expert at your home that will immediately troubleshoot your cooling system. 在我们建议更换之前,我们的交流技术人员总是会修复您的系统. There is nothing worse than being worried about whether the repair will cost a little or worried that it can’t be fixed and needs to be replaced. We pride ourselves on being transparent and making sure there are no surprises with your bill or your experience.

在宝博app官网可以信赖的AC服务 & 里约热内卢牧场

TLC适合你,而不是品牌. 我们维修和更换所有型号的空调. 我们理解你们的加热和冷却系统意外的问题让人沮丧. Our job is to ensure that you get an upfront price and the peace of mind knowing that a knowledgeable tech will come prepared to repair your air conditioner. We help you avoid any surprises by keeping you informed throughout the repair process so you can feel confident in our ability. 另外,我们100%支持我们的工作,并保证您的满意度.

如果您需要宝博app官网的空调服务,TLC 24小时为您服务. 随时打电话给我们 (505) 761-9644!


More and more homeowners in New Mexico are upgrading their 沼泽冷却器s to 冷冻空气 Conditioning. 你对皈依感到好奇吗? 获取你需要知道的事实.


空调维修 & 年度调整的

检查、过滤器 & 清理

就像你的车一样, your air conditioner needs maintenance to keep it operating properly and efficiently to keep you cool and comfortable. 也, by getting an annual maintenance tune-up each year you can prevent unexpected repairs and extend the life of your air conditioner.


让我们来担心你的空调,这样你就不用担心了. 我们为您的家庭供暖和制冷系统提供定制维护方案.  我们会安排预防性维护,这样你就不用担心了. 不要忽视你的空调,用TLC给它一点爱. Let us inspect it each year so you can stay cool and comfortable in your home throughout those hot summer days.



  • 延长空调使用寿命 -空调系统很贵. 保护您的投资,并保持您的家凉爽和舒适的全年在您的家.
  • 防止意外的维修 – most of the repairs we see that cause air conditioners to shutdown or stop cooling are because of lack of maintenance. The last thing you want is to not have your air conditioner working when those temps in 宝博app官网 start hitting 100 degrees.
  • 保持你的保证 -你知道大多数空调品牌,比如开利, 特灵和其他人要求你让一家供热和制冷公司来维护这个装置, 否则保修无效. 节省金钱和减少挫折.

选择TLC为您提供所有空调服务…. 今天就打761-9644给我们.

专业的A / C维护

Air conditioners are easy to operate but do require regular maintenance to keep them operating properly and efficiently. 忽视必要的维护将会降低冷却效率,增加你的能源使用. 以下是一些维护技巧:


每年夏天之前,请专业人士检查空调是很重要的. 年检可以帮助你在整个夏天保持凉爽和舒适. 适当的维护可以延长系统的寿命并保持效率. 此外,在大多数情况下,缺乏定期维护可能会使您的保修无效.


作为一个房主,你能做的最重要的事情就是定期更换或清洁你的过滤器. 你通常需要在每个季节之前更换过滤器. 然而,如果你有宠物,家里又有很多灰尘,你可能需要更经常地更换它. 过滤器堵塞会导致空调停止运转. 要避免这些意想不到的问题,就要经常更换过滤器.


你应该经常清除你的户外设备周围的碎片. 清除叶片,草,和杂草周围的单位,以最大限度的气流. If you live in an area where there are a lot of cottonwood trees you may need to watch for cotton getting in the condenser.


Dirty filters block and restrict airflow and can significantly reduce your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home. 我们看到的许多维修都是由于过滤器脏了. If the airflow continues to be restricted the air conditioner can freeze up the condenser or cause the air conditioner to stop running completely. 查看我们下面的视频,了解如何在家里找到和更换过滤器.



TLC很荣幸地宣布,我们现在提供定制服务 预防性维护计划 用于您的供暖或空调设备或两者. 缺乏维护是我们看到的供热和空调设备最大的问题之一. 这就是为什么我们希望通过预防性维护协议为我们的客户提供方便. Get year-round service for your home’s comfort system and get peace of mind knowing that your systems are operating properly and as efficiently as possible. Included in the program is an annual air conditioning inspection as detailed above plus many more options. 就像你的车一样 your home’s systems require maintenance to keep you comfortable through summer and winter. 今天问一下我们的新节目!



如果你正在考虑改用制冷空调,你应该了解所有的选择.  Many people consider 转换为冷冻空气 when their 沼泽冷却器 just doesn’t cut it anymore. 然而,冷藏空气并不是你升级空调的唯一选择. TLC has many solutions to help improve your 沼泽冷却器 if refrigerated air isn’t an option for you or doesn’t make sense for your home and needs. TLC的专家可以推荐以下其他解决方案:


Mastercool沼泽冷却器是一个步骤从标准沼泽冷却器. If you need to replace your existing 沼泽冷却器 TLC’s experts are experienced in standard cooler installations and upgrades. Mastercool沼泽冷却器提供了比标准冷却器更好的冷却能力.


如果Mastercool冷却器是一个很好的选择,升级你的标准冷却器, 那么Breezair是你可以升级的最佳选择,无需转换为冷冻空气. Breezair提供卓越的冷却能力和变速电机,最大限度地提高您的舒适控制. 凉风冷却器提供的冷却温度接近于冷冻空气的选择. 今天就向我们的技术人员询问这种冷却方式.


Ductless air conditioners are growing in popularity for their energy efficiency and cooling effectiveness. 我们在圣达菲等地区看到了激增, 在那里,许多房屋都没有安装中央空调系统, 不是个可行的选择. With ductless you are able to cool individual rooms or areas of your home maximizing energy efficiency. Mini-splits can also be added as a supplemental cooling comfort for homes that have renovations or additions. While ductless is an excellent cooling option for whole-home or partial cooling the installation costs are more than refrigerated air. 向我们的专业人员咨询更多关于无宝博体育买球系统的信息.


TLC is your ac conversion expert and we offer many brands to choose from finding a system that meets your home’s cooling needs, 您的舒适和预算是我们的首要任务. Our expert HVAC technicians are able to install all makes and models so you can count on us finding the best system for your home. 许多房主可能不知道这一点,但在大多数情况下, your furnace needs to be replaced at the same time when you replace your 沼泽冷却器 with refrigerated air. 多学习,你就能做一个见多识广的人


宝博app官网有很多家庭 & 圣达菲 that already have refrigerated air conditioning and it may be time for you to consider replacing your old unit. 在大多数情况下,一个典型的家庭供暖和制冷系统可以使用大约15年. When your system can no longer be repaired and you’re considering replacing your units TLC is here to help navigate the options available to you.