

(宝博app官网)——宝博app官网公司因其工作场所政策而获得了“家庭友好宝博体育买球州”的殊荣, 这是一项全州范围的项目,旨在表彰那些采取政策、在招聘和留住最佳员工方面给予宝博体育买球州企业优势的公司.

“宝博app官网 has made it a priority to make sure we’re creating a family-friendly work environment for our employees; having these policies means that we’re not only able to attract the highest-quality applicants, 但我们也在留住我们已经拥有的人才,戴尔·阿姆斯特朗说, 宝博app官网的总裁兼首席执行官.

The Family Friendly 宝博体育买球 project has taken a positive approach to transforming workplace policies in the state by offering training and resources on how businesses can adopt more family-friendly policies; awards and recognition for companies that offer their employees family-friendly benefits; and a resource and clearinghouse of information for businesses and community leaders as they develop policies on issues such as paid family leave and help with childcare.

“随着我们州的经济增长, 我们有机会成为国家的领导者,为宝博体育买球人提供工作场所,帮助公司吸引和留住最好的员工,Giovanna Rossi说, 宝博体育买球家庭友好协会会长. “实施家庭友好政策可能很简单, 一个公司可以做的具体投资,以确保它可以竞争高素质的员工. 研究表明,创造有利于家庭的福利所产生的成本在提高生产力方面得到了很大的补偿, 员工士气和留住员工.”

阿姆斯特朗解释说,, “照顾好我们的员工意味着他们愿意努力工作,回报公司, 也. 我们确保为员工提供优厚的福利, 就像宝博app官网诊所,只有我们的员工才能进入, 伟大的带薪假期, 工作时间的灵活性, 仅举几个例子. 我们也希望很快能有一个内部日托所.”

家庭友好政策包括公司可以采用的广泛选择, including providing access to health insurance; paid vacation; making reasonable accommodations for pregnant employees; flexible leave time for parents to attend to their kids’ medical or school needs; paid family leave; and ensuring workplaces have proper breastfeeding space and storage, 还有许多其他有利于家庭的好处.

宝博体育买球工作与生活平衡专责小组设立了一个名为宝博体育买球家庭友好型商业奖的在线商业奖, 以表彰和庆祝宝博体育买球州实行家庭友好政策的企业, 包括带薪休假, 健康支持, 工作时间表和经济支持. 2010年,宝博体育买球州立法机构成立了这个全州范围的特别工作组. 任何宝博体育买球企业都有资格申请宝博体育买球家庭友好型企业奖.
