
沼泽冷却器修复 & 在宝博app官网

宝博app官网的沼泽冷却器专家 & 里约热内卢牧场

TLC宝博体育买球加热 & 冷却一直是宝博app官网沼泽冷却器维修、更换的首选 & 升级和维护超过30年. 我们提供全方位的沼泽冷却器服务,让您的家在宝博体育买球州炎热的夏季保持凉爽和舒适. 我们的冷却专家可以快速响应您的沼泽冷却器问题与技术人员日夜可用. Our techs have all common evaporative cooler parts stocked on their trucks for fast, 高效的维修.


TLC works with local part suppliers in 宝博app官网 & 所以我们总是有零件和供应来快速修理,这样你就可以回到你的生活. 我们确保我们的修理人员有供应,他们需要在他们的卡车上为所有类型的冷却器最常见的冷却维修.

  • 标准方形沼泽冷却器
  • 圆的沼泽冷却器
  • Mastercool 
  • Aerocool
  • Breezair 
  • 康维尔

When you have problems with your swamp cooler don’t wait, turn to the experts at TLC. We’ll get your swamp cooler fixed fast and we guarantee our work. We know that problems with your cooler usually happen when you need it the most. Turn to our trusted experts for the best swamp cooler 修复 service. 我们的专家将快速评估和维修您的冷冻机,让您的家再次变得舒适.


If you’re experiencing problems with your swamp cooler TLC is always here for you. 从季节性的维护到所有的维修,更换,和升级,TLC是您的冷却专家!



TLC技术人员在服务和修理所有类型和品牌的沼泽冷却器经验丰富. Our techs are available 24 hours a day for 修复s.



Swamp cooler maintenance is essential to getting the most out of your cooling system. TLC执行季节性的维护,以保持您的沼泽冷却器表现在高峰性能. 询问我们的定制维修计划.


转换 & 升级

Whether it’s replacing your existing unit with the same type of cooler, or upgrading to high-efficiency coolers that perform better than standard coolers.  Turn to TLC for all of your cooling solutions. TLC’s experts can find a cooler that meets your needs.


Swamp coolers are very common among 宝博app官网 and 圣达菲 homes, 但也有一些新型的沼泽冷却器,它们比标准冷却器的冷却效果更好. TLC是您的沼泽冷却器专家, 相信我们的服务, 修复, 安装或升级沼泽冷却器.



Most homes that have a swamp cooler have a standard cooler. Which can be sufficient enough to cool your home.








Let a TLC HVAC Professional get your swamp cooler ready for the warm season.


宝博体育买球州? 我得知道怎么操作你的冷却器?


Do you want better control of the temperature in your home?


Did you know a Breezeair cooler can cool as well as refrigerated air?

沼泽冷却器修复专家 & 服务

当涉及到问题与您的沼泽冷却器转向我们的专家技术人员在TLC. We have years of experience troubleshooting and 修复ing swamp coolers.

当你的沼泽冷却器出现问题时,通常是在外面非常热的时候,你需要快速的帮助. TLC offers 24-hour emergency service for all your swamp cooler 修复s. 在宝博app官网和圣达菲设有办事处,您可以期待快速、可靠、专业的服务.

We are fully licensed and insured to 修复, maintain and replace all types of swamp coolers including:

We are committed to being here for you when you need us day or night. 随着温度的上升,当你需要快速服务时,你可以指望TLC在这里为你服务. 我们还建议您在夏季之前有一个专业的启动和服务您的沼泽冷却器. 通过专业维护您的单位,您可以避免意外的故障和问题时,温度峰值


下面列出了我们在整个夏天应对的常见沼泽冷却器维修. Some of these 修复s can be reduced or eliminated with proper maintenance.


Busted water lines or breaks in the lines are a common 修复 we see. 为了避免意外的水线断裂,他们应该检查更换的迹象:裂缝, 泡沫, 连接处生锈.


如果你的水泵停止工作,它将不允许水流过沼泽冷却器. A water pump can fail if it gets corroded from hard water. The pump should be inspected and tested prior to the start of each season.


Hard water is a big problem for swamp coolers. Scale buildup can clog water lines and pads. 在夏天开始使用冷却器之前,清洗和清除积聚的硬水是很重要的. 如果你的水管被堵塞,它们就不能使垫子饱和,你就不能得到足够的冷却. Scale build-up can also corrode the connections to the float, pump and other mechanical parts causing them to stop working correctly. Talk to our professionals about ways to reduce or eliminate hard water.

正常磨损 & 眼泪

机械部件随着时间的推移而磨损,并导致气流问题和冷却器的维修. Some of these 修复s can be avoided with regular maintenance. Over time the motor, fan, and pump can fail from normal wear and tear. That is why maintenance is so vital to avoid unexpected breakdowns and failures.


Fan belts breakdown from normal wear and tear over time. However, a broken fan belt will prevent the fan from blowing air through your home. Typically when this happens you won’t have any air flowing through your home. You’ll notice that it won’t be cooling at all. 当启动冷却器时,应检查风扇是否有撕裂和裂缝,并根据需要进行更换.


如果你的沼泽冷却器不会打开,没有任何电力,你应该检查你的保险丝和断路器盒首先. If the fuse is broken or the breaker is tripped its time to call a professional. There is probably something that is short-circuiting that is causing the power to fail. TLC的专家在解决这些问题方面有丰富的经验,我们也有执照的电工可以帮助解决任何电气问题.



Your cooler will blow hot air when the pads are not getting wet. There are many reasons the pads may not be getting wet.  You should check to see that the pads are getting saturated. 如果你不能上屋顶检查你的冷却器,请致电TLC检查并修理你的冷却器.  

How often do you have to change cooler pads? 

每年夏天开始前,你需要更换标准沼泽冷却器的护垫. You should change the pads when you startup your cooler for summer.


Do you need to have a window open with a cooler?

Yes, you need to have windows open to operate your swamp cooler. It is very important to have some windows or doors open when running your cooler. Learn more about how many windows you need open from our maintenance experts.


There are a few reasons that an evaporative cooler will leak water. 1, 漏水最常见的原因是浮子设置不正确,水从锅中溢出. 这将导致水从屋顶或淹没你的院子,因为水将不断运行,因为浮子没有停止水流. 2, 垫可能需要调整, if they have fallen inside the cooler water will leak out the sides. 3. 导致漏水的另一个原因是水泵的尺寸与冷却器的尺寸不匹配. 如果水泵对于冷却器来说太大了,它将泵出比冷却器能处理的更多的水.  4. Lastly, there could be a leak in the pan and it can’t hold water. 这是由腐蚀和生锈造成的.


A cooler can make loud noises if the bearings are worn out and its metal against metal. 另一个可能引起噪音的原因是,如果没有足够的气流和家里有太多的压力. 这会造成很高的静压,你需要打开一些窗户来降低压力.


If your swamp cooler won’t turn on it means you don’t have power to the cooler. 要么是保险丝烧断了,要么是马达坏了,要么是冷却器的电线有问题.  你应该打电话给TLC来评估. 好消息是,我们也有有执照的电工,所以我们可以快速修复你的电气问题.

Why is my swamp cooler not blowing enough air?

如果你的蒸发冷却器是开着的,但似乎没有吹足够的空气,有一些事情可能是问题. The most common cause is the pads are clogged with calcium buildup. Another easy common fix is to make sure you have enough windows open. 如果你已经检查过你的护垫,并且你确定你有足够的窗户打开来流通空气,那么是时候叫我们检查冷却器里的马达了. Sometimes the wrong sized motors are installed and 

What is the difference between a swamp cooler and an air conditioner?

如果你的蒸发冷却器是开着的,但似乎没有吹足够的空气,有一些事情可能是问题. The most common cause is the pads are clogged with calcium buildup. Another easy common fix is to make sure you have enough windows open. 如果你已经检查过你的护垫,并且你确定你有足够的窗户打开来流通空气,那么是时候叫我们检查冷却器里的马达了. Sometimes the wrong sized motors are installed and 

Couple looking at Preventive 维护 Program

Prevent Unnecessary 维修 With Proper 维护

为了保持您的冷却器运行在最高效率,TLC提供方便的住宅 & commercial maintenance for your swamp cooler. 与我们的 预防性维护计划, you can stay comfortable throughout the year. 我们的项目为您的家庭宝博体育买球、供暖和制冷系统提供完整的家庭维护. The program can be customized to meet your needs. Our swamp cooler maintenance includes spring start-ups, 准备过冬, 检查, 和零件更换.




Are you considering upgrading to refrigerated air?

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