电 Panel 更换 & 修复

电 Panel 更换 & 修复s by Top-Tier Electricians

当涉及到你家的电器面板时,你需要你可以信任的有执照的电工. 你的旧面板是否已经耗尽,或者是时候升级到更强大的电力了, our electricians are here to help.


$ 10

电 服务

24/7 and emergency services available

Top of industry certified electricians

Local New Mexican owned business

Signs you need to replace your electrical panel

Your panel needs to be repaired or 取代 if:

  • The panel is 100 amp or less
  • The panel makes a buzzing sound
  • The breakers are hot to the touch
  • 面板是联邦太平洋或津斯科品牌-这是一个迹象,你的面板是非常老的.
  • The panel has physical damage like rust or water damage
  • The panel cover is missing
  • The panel or your outlets smell like they are burning
  • You add a new large appliance to your home
  • 面板上有保险丝而不是断路器——这是另一个极端年代的迹象
  • 你家里的灯在闪烁——这有几个可能的原因,所以你应该有一个 lighting problems looked at by TLC’s electricians.

Cost to replace an electrical panel in 宝博app官网

  • $1,800
  • $2,500
  • $3,200

电 Panel Cost Considerations

更换电板的费用取决于项目的规模. 简单地更换电气面板比更换整个电气系统的成本要低. 宝博app官网的电气专家更换面板的估计.

关注我们的博客,了解你家里最常见的电气问题: 5 Common Home 电 Problems

Our 电 Panel 更换 过程

  1. 1)

    时间表 your electrical panel replacement

    致电(505)761-9644或在网上与我们联络,安排预约. 如果你 are upgrading your electrical panel and want pricing, 我们的团队将与您安排一个时间,提供一个免费的估计. 如果你 are experiencing electrical problems在这种情况下,有必要进行一次诊断性访问,看看是否可以修复面板,而不是
  2. 2)

    TLC will submit the project to PNM for approval

    更换你的电子面板需要PNM或当地电力公司的合作. 您的TLC电工将把项目提交给电力公司,并处理审批流程,这样您就不必.
  3. 3)

    TLC will schedule the project

    Once PNM or your power company has approved the project, a day will be scheduled to install the new panel. PNM将需要在项目之前断开您的服务,然后重新连接它. 您的TLC电工将与您和电力公司协调,为您找到最方便的一天.
  4. 4)

    TLC will pull permits and schedule inspections

    您的电工和TLC的办公室工作人员将为您的电气面板更换申请适当的许可证. 当项目完成时,我们的团队还将帮助您安排检查.
  5. 5)

    Your TLC electrician will replace your electrical panel

    您的TLC电工将拆卸和处理您的旧面板,并安装新的电气面板. 您要求的任何额外升级或电力服务将在同一时间完成.
  6. 6)

    We make sure you're 100% satisfied

    Your satisfaction is our priority. 如果您不满意您的新电气面板,TLC将使它正确. 100%的保证.

Customer Story in 宝博app官网

电 Panel Upgrade

问题: Customer needed outdoor outlets added for an outdoor grill area. 电工们发现,没有足够的电力供应客户想在户外使用的新区域. 客户可能会切断断路器,因为他们的新区域需要额外的电力.

解决方案: 恩里克和以利亚评估了新的户外空间的电力需求. 他们安装了专门的电路和子面板,以满足房主的户外用电需求.

The Customer's Testimonial

“恩里克和以利亚非常专业,解释了整个过程的每一步, 确保我了解他们会进行哪些电气升级. Enrique解释了我们的选择,以及如何添加一个专用电路,使我们可以在后院添加我们想要的户外灯和吊扇,而不会触发任何断路器. 那两天他们工作很努力,很有礼貌,很有知识. 我们肯定会再次聘请TLC为我们未来可能需要的房屋进行任何电气维修或升级.


电 Panel 常见问题

  • When should I replace my electrical panel?

    There are a few signs you need to replace your electrical panel. We’ve outlined the signs above in detail. 然而, 一般来说,如果你的电气面板是100安培或以下,你应该更换, or Federal Pacific or Zinsco panel.  其他需要更换的标志包括:

    • The panel is 100 amps or less
    • The panel makes a buzzing sound
    • The breakers are hot to the touch
    • The panel has physical damage like rust or water damage
    • The panel cover is missing
    • The panel outlets smell like their burning
    • You add a new large appliance to your home
    • 面板上有保险丝而不是断路器——这是另一个极端年代的迹象
    • 你家的灯在闪烁-这可能是面板问题,应该由有执照的电工检查.
  • Can I replace my electrical panel myself?

    不,你不应该自己更换电器面板. 只有持牌电工才能更换你的电板. Besides the hazards that come with electrical work, you need a
    Hire a licensed electrician to replace your electrical panel.
  • What is an upgraded electrical panel?

    An upgraded electrical panel is 200-amp instead of 100-amp. 升级后的面板为您的家庭提供更多的电力,甚至可能需要冷藏空气或大型电器. 如果你
    have a 100-amp panel or less, it is time for an upgrade.
  • How often should my electrical panel be 取代?

  • How long does it take to repair my electrical panel?

    修理电板所需的时间取决于问题的复杂程度. 有些项目简单到只需5分钟,有些则需要5个小时. 在诊断后,你的电工可以给你一个修理需要多长时间的想法.
  • How long does it take to install an electrical panel?

    An electrical panel installation usually takes one full day. 如果你选择更换整个电力系统,可能需要更多的时间.
  • How much does it cost to repair may electrical panel?

    你可以期望支付至少75美元的电气面板维修. 一般来说,一个复杂的问题需要更多的时间来解决,花费也会更多. A simple fix will cost less.
  • Why do I need to upgrade my electrical panel?

    如果你打算增加一个热水浴缸,你需要把你的电板升级到200安培, refrigerated air, or any other large electronic appliances. Make sure to discuss this with a licensed
    electrician prior to installing the new appliance.
  • Why does my electrical panel smell like fish?

    如果你 smell a fishy odor near your electrical panel or outlets, it is a sign that you have aluminum wiring that is damaged. Contact TLC right away to repair.
  • What is involved in upgrading to 200-amp service?

    升级到200安培的电气面板类似于其他面板的更换. It requires approval from your local power company, which in 宝博app官网 and surrounding areas is PNM.
    在安装之前和之后,PNM将需要断开和重新连接您的家. 如果你选择升级,你不需要更换你的整个电力系统. Your new panel will connect to your existing circuits.










Turn to TLC for expert electrical panel replacements
