

家里的漏水从不方便到彻底的灾难都有可能发生. TLC is your local trusted water leak repair expert experienced to locate and fix any type of water leak.





当你家漏水时,我们会看到一些常见的迹象. 这里有一些迹象表明你可能有泄漏. 如果您有下列任何情况,请致电TLC寻求服务.

〇高额水费 An unusually high water bill or a letter from the water authority indicates you probably have a leak. This is the most common call we get from customers who need to have a leak detected in their home.

听到流水声 Whether you hear water running in your walls or hear water in your pipes even when you’re not running water, 这通常意味着某个地方漏水了.

地板上的温暖点 A warm spot on the floor usually is a sign that you have a hot water leak underneath the slab. Our leak detection experts can use our equipment to locate the leak so it can be repaired.

潮湿的地方, 如果你发现家里或外面有潮湿的地方, 你的宝博体育买球可能漏水了,或者在你的宝博体育买球系统的某个地方破裂了.

霉菌或发霉的气味 If you have a moldy or mildew smell and can’t find the source it is time to call TLC to help locate the leak and get it repaired.

〇低水压 漏水是造成水压问题的一个常见原因. 如果您正在经历水压问题,您可能有泄漏.



宝博app官网的泄漏检测可以根据定位泄漏的困难程度而有所不同. 如果我们的水管工必须使用泄漏检测设备,这可能会更昂贵. 然而, if you choose to have TLC repair your leak after it has been located we do offer a discount on the leak detection services.

  • $195
  • $350
  • $500+



泄漏检测和维修- TLC offers a discount on the leak detection services if you choose to have TLC repair the leak. Our plumber will give you up to 3 options to repair the leak once it has been located based on your home, 泄漏的位置和修复泄漏的最佳方法.

是时候检测泄漏了 通常情况下,泄漏检测只需要大约2小时完成. 然而,有时更困难的泄漏可能需要更多的时间来定位. Our plumbers will always communicate with you if they feel they will exceed the cost proposed to you.

〇商业泄漏检测 Commercial buildings usually require more time to locate leaks and is typically more costly than residential leak detection.

如果需要进行泄漏检测,请了解更多信息 如何知道是否需要泄漏检测服务?


作为一个宝博体育买球公司,TLC看到所有不同类型的漏水. Most major leak repairs require leak detection services to locate the source of the leak.

地下 & 院子里泄漏, 这些是我们在家庭中看到的最常见的漏水. These leaks may not be under the concrete slab but in the yard or patio of a home. 我们的专家将找到漏洞并进行修复. A lot of homeowners may not know they have an underground leak until they get a really high water bill. 这可能是他们有泄密的唯一迹象.

板泄漏, A slab leak is a leak in one of the water lines running below the concrete flooring in your home. 有一些迹象可能表明板泄漏. 最明显的就是地板上有水或湿点. Depending on the size of the leak you may feel warm spots on the floor because most slab leaks are hot water line leaks.




TLC宝博体育买球还为商业物业提供泄漏检测服务 & 企业. TLC有检测这些泄漏的设备和经验. 我们为居民提供24小时紧急服务 & 商业泄漏检测. 今天安排一个约会.

Commercial leak detection prices do vary from residential prices because they typically require more time to locate the leak. This is because commercial plumbing systems are typically larger and more comprehensive than plumbing systems in homes. 请致电我们办公室,为您的业务提供准确的泄漏检测评估.



  1. 1)


    您可致电(505)761-9644或 调度在线. 我们会派一名泄漏检测专家到你家.

  2. 2)


    我们的水管工会来检查漏水情况. TLC’s plumbing expert will complete a full inspection to find the leak in your home.

  3. 3)

    TLC's plumbing expert will utilize leak detection equipment if the leak appears to be underground

    If the plumber determines that the leak is underground either inside or outside your home then they will use leak detection equipment to locate the leak within the plumbing system so that it can be repaired.

  4. 4)


    Once the leak is detected using the sonic leak detection equipment then the plumber will mark the location of the leak and give you up to 3 options for repair based on the home, 泄漏的位置和修复泄漏的最佳方法.

  5. 5)


    Once you and our plumbing expert determine the best method for repair our TLC experts will repair the leak in your home.

  6. 6)


    TLC提供了100%的使它正确的保证. 如果您对您的水泄漏检测和维修服务不满意, 给我们打个电话,我们会很高兴把事情做好.





问题: 当宝博app官网的房主罗恩T.当他收到一张700多美元的水费账单时,他意识到自己可能漏水了.  他马上打电话给TLC,叫水管工出来找出漏水的地方.

解决方案: Jeff came out and used the infrared sonic leak detection equipment and located the leak under the home. 他一找到漏洞,就给了罗恩修理的选择. Jeff arranged for one of TLC’s plumbers Jack to come to the home and repair the leak. Jack and his assistant had to cut open the concrete slab under the home to repair the leak.  After repairing the leak and cleaning up the area Ron was happy to see that his water bill went back down to $90.


我收到了一大笔水费(767美元).00)很明显,我的东西漏了……什么地方! 我联系了TLC,让他们出来看看他们能不能找到漏洞. 第一个杰夫T. came out and found the leak in short order using some sophisticated infrared and sonic listening devices to pinpoint the leak under the house. 然后他安排杰克C. 而他的助手则出来,打开混凝土地板,找出实际漏水的地方. 我得补充一句,我家里到处都是木地板,杰夫, Jack and their assistant took great care to protect them from dirt and concrete damage by placing drop cloths from the work area to the front door and beyond. 感谢TLC的周到服务, 关心的态度, 还有你及时发现并修复我家的地下漏洞. 现在我每月的水费又回到了90美元.

罗恩T. |宝博app官网房主


When you have a water leak in your home or get a high water bill you may have a lot of questions. 下面是一些关于泄漏检测最常见的问题.

  • 泄漏检测费用是多少?

    住宅泄漏检测的费用是500美元,最多2小时, however if you also have TLC’s plumbers repair the leak we will take $150 off the cost of the leak detection so the price drops down to $350.  Some larger properties or more difficulties could be more expensive if more time is needed to locate the leak.



  • 池漏检测费用是多少?

    TLC泳池泄漏检测服务的前2小时收费为500美元. Our plumbers would need to evaluate the pool system and quote if it will take more time than this to locate and isolate the leak within the pool system.

  • 什么是检漏?

    Leak detection uses special equipment to locate a water leak within a plumbing system.  A trained plumber injects carbon dioxide into the water system and then utilizes special sound equipment to pinpoint the location of the leak.


    并不是所有的水管工都有资格进行泄漏定位服务. Make sure you hire a plumber that is experienced in leak detection and has the proper training and equipment.

  • 你怎么知道漏水是从哪里来的呢?

    并非所有的漏水都有明显的源头. Sometimes you don’t even know you have a water leak until you get a high water bill. 我们的检漏设备使用声音来确定泄漏点. The plumber injects carbon dioxide into the plumbing system and listening equipment to pinpoint where the leak is coming from.

  • 泄漏检测的准确性如何?

    泄漏检测通常非常准确. 然而, 有时地下的环境会产生声音, 哪一个可能需要更长的时间来检测泄漏源.

  • 如何判断墙后的宝博体育买球是否在漏水?

    墙后渗漏的典型标志是墙上有湿斑. 这通常是一个很好的迹象,表明墙后面有漏洞.

  • 房主保险包括漏水吗?

    Your homeowner’s insurance usually covers the damage done to the home by a water leak. 然而, 不幸的是,找到泄漏点, 通过撕裂混凝土或地板进入泄漏处, 你的保险不包括宝博体育买球泄漏的维修.



TLC为您的宝博体育买球紧急需求提供24小时泄漏检测服务. 当你有泄漏时,向TLC宝博体育买球公司值得信赖的专家求助.











打电话给我们, (505) 761-9644